
All 501(c)(3) Nonprofits are eligible to apply for a project. Through the application process, the GiveCamp team will work with you to understand the technology challenges your organization is facing. Together, we will help you identify the scope of your project in hopes to move your mission forward.

What we do for non-profits

Are you a non-profit organization in Southwest Ohio looking to enhance your technology and digital presence? Southwest Ohio GiveCamp is here to help!

Southwest Ohio GiveCamp is an annual event that brings together a team of skilled technology volunteers who are passionate about giving back to the community. Our volunteers work tirelessly to help non-profit organizations like yours build custom technology solutions that can help you better serve your constituents.

At Southwest Ohio GiveCamp, our volunteers can assist you with developing and enhancing your website, mobile apps, databases, and other digital tools that can help streamline your operations and make it easier for you to connect with your audience. We also provide training and support to help you learn how to use your new technology tools effectively.

Participating in Southwest Ohio GiveCamp is completely free for non-profit organizations. We invite you to apply for our upcoming event and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to transform your organization’s digital presence and achieve your mission with greater impact.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to collaborate with talented technology experts and enhance your non-profit organization’s impact. Apply for Southwest Ohio GiveCamp today!

The Process


Submit a brief description of your project for your review.


Upon approval of your brief application, you will be sent a grant form to describe the details of your project.


Work with your assigned team lead to go over details of your project and they will setup technology requirements.


By the end of the Give Camp weekend, your application will launch.


  1. Custom Websites for Nonprofits:
    At Southwest Ohio GiveCamp, we believe that a strong online presence is crucial for non-profit organizations to connect with their community. Our skilled volunteers can design and develop custom websites that showcase your mission, impact, and events. With a user-friendly interface and responsive design, your organization will be able to reach and engage a wider audience like never before.
  2. Mobile Apps for Greater Impact:
    Harness the power of mobile technology to extend your non-profit’s reach and accessibility. Our dedicated volunteers can create feature-rich mobile apps that keep your supporters informed, enable seamless donations, and facilitate volunteer coordination. Embrace the future of outreach and stay connected with your community on the go. Note: Due to constantly changing mobile platforms, mobile applications require an investment beyond GiveCamp to maintain your application.
  3. Efficient Database Management:
    Nonprofits often deal with vast amounts of data, from donor information to program tracking. Our experienced volunteers can develop robust and easy-to-use database solutions that streamline your organization’s processes. Efficient data management ensures you can focus on your mission without being overwhelmed by administrative tasks.
  4. Online Fundraising Solutions:
    Raising funds is a critical aspect of sustaining and expanding your non-profit’s impact. Southwest Ohio GiveCamp can help you create effective online fundraising platforms tailored to your organization’s needs. From secure donation portals to crowdfunding campaigns, we empower you to reach your fundraising goals with confidence.
  5. Automating Workflows for Efficiency:
    Save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks and workflows. Our volunteers can help your non-profit implement automation solutions that improve efficiency and allow your team to focus on what matters most – creating positive change in the community.

Participating in Southwest Ohio GiveCamp means gaining access to a team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about helping your non-profit thrive in the digital era. Our custom solutions are tailored to your organization’s unique needs, ensuring that you can create a lasting and positive impact in your community. Join us at Southwest Ohio GiveCamp and unlock the potential of technology for your non-profit’s success!

Unlock the Power of Technology for Your Non-Profit!

Are you ready to take your non-profit organization to new heights? Don’t miss the chance to transform your digital presence and enhance your community impact. Apply now for Southwest Ohio GiveCamp and join our passionate team of skilled volunteers dedicated to making a difference!

Why Apply?

🚀 Custom Technology Solutions: Our talented volunteers will create tailor-made websites, mobile apps, and databases to suit your organization’s unique needs. Leverage cutting-edge tech to connect, engage, and serve your community better.

💲 Zero Cost to You: Participating in Southwest Ohio GiveCamp is entirely free for non-profits. We believe that every organization, no matter its size, deserves access to top-notch technology resources.

🤓 Expert Guidance: Collaborate with tech-savvy professionals eager to share their expertise and train your team. Empower your organization with the knowledge to thrive in the digital world.

🙏 Join a Community of Giving: Be a part of a heartwarming experience where volunteers come together to uplift non-profits like yours. Witness the incredible impact technology can make on your mission.

Application Period for This Year’s Event Has Ended!

Thank you to all the incredible non-profit organizations who showed their enthusiasm for Southwest Ohio GiveCamp this year! We are humbled and inspired by the overwhelming response we’ve received.

Your Passion for Impact

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the non-profits who took the initiative to apply for this year’s event. Your dedication to creating positive change in the community is truly commendable.

What’s Next?

For those who submitted their applications on time, our team of dedicated volunteers is eagerly reviewing each submission. We will be carefully evaluating all the non-profits’ technology needs to ensure we match them with the most suitable and skilled volunteers.

Stay Connected

Even if you missed the application window this year, we encourage you to stay connected with Southwest Ohio GiveCamp. Follow our website and social media channels to receive updates on future events, workshops, and resources that can benefit your non-profit organization.

Celebrating Impact

As the event draws near, we look forward to celebrating the positive impact that will result from the collaboration between our tech-savvy volunteers and the selected non-profits. Together, we will create a stronger, more vibrant community.

Thank you once again for your interest in Southwest Ohio GiveCamp. Together, we continue to demonstrate the power of technology for good and make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

For more updates and information, please join our non-profit mailing list.

Need More Information? Contact Us!

If you have any questions or need further details about Southwest Ohio GiveCamp, we’re here to help! Whether you’re curious about our event’s process, the types of projects we create, or how your non-profit can get involved in the future, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Our friendly team is ready to provide the information you need to make an informed decision for your organization. Reach out to us via the form below. We can’t wait to hear from you and explore the endless possibilities of technology working hand-in-hand with your non-profit’s mission!

Looking forward to connecting with you soon,

The Southwest Ohio GiveCamp Team 🤝