GiveCamp is fueled by the generosity of talented individuals volunteering their time to help local Nonprofits achieve their goals. Project Leads partner with nonprofits and guide their team members throughout GiveCamp weekend.
Volunteer Roles
Project Lead
Take on a Leadership role on a project at GiveCamp. This involves partnering with the non-profit prior to the event to talk about the project, make a plan and prepare for the weekend activities. You will get to pitch the project at Kickoff and rally the troops to get the job done throughout the weekend. This role does require you to put in time before the weekend to prepare and also be available during the whole weekend to keep the project moving forward.
Team Member
As a member of the team, you will select your project after hearing from all the non-profits at the kickoff and get to work based on the direction given by your project lead. Being a team member may mean you need to write code, create content, design user interface, develop process maps, or test working software before it gets deployed to production. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved. For team members, your time commitment is only for the weekend.
5:30pm Registration Opens
6:00pm GiveCamp Kickoff
Miami University Voice of America Learning Center
7847 VOA Park Drive
West Chester, OH 45069
During kickoff, the non-profits will introduce themselves and a project lead will talk about the project. Then everyone will self select into a team and get started.
6:45pm Team Selection
6:55pm Group Picture
7:00pm Dinner & Get To Work
11:30pm Development ends, building closes
Yes, we will feed you. Usually folks will work until 10p/11p Friday night and head home. From there it depends on what the team decides.
9:00am Building Opens
9:30am Breakfast & Back To Work
The next day and get a majority of the work done on Saturday. Sunday is usually reserved for clean up work and any additional bug fixes that are found.
1:00pm Lunch
4:30pm Building closes, Wrap Up in Person and continue working at home
9:00am Building Opens
9:30am Breakfast & Back To Work
12:00pm Lunch
2:00pm Presentations
We will do a showcase where everyone shows off the work completed.
Get In Touch
Need to contact us? Use the form below and someone will reach out to you as soon as possible. We are all volunteers with day jobs, so please expect a response within 48 hours.